Women's Section

The Palmerston North RSA Women’s Section was formed in 1946, soon after the “Soldiers Club” name was changed to the “Palmerston North Returned & Services Association”.

The Section assists with the Anzac Day functions, particularly the after-Dawn Parade breakfast and other Association welfare and social activities. Section members also visit other RSA Women’s Sections about the Manawatu and Whanganui area, as well as other trips throughout the year to places of interest.

All female members of the RSA can join the Section, where they currently have 50 members, including six on the local Section committee. They still have one of the first Women’s Section members who joined up in the late 1940s.

The Section meets at 1.30pm on the third Monday of each month, at 168 Fitzherbert Avenue in Palmerston North, where they have a variety of speakers and demonstrators.

For contact, Women’s Section Convenor – Val Lamb on (06) 357-2517.